Happy Holidays update!
Filed under: Author:Happy Holidays to all you ColorExplorer users out there!
It's been quite a while in the making, but I am happy to announce that a complete UI rework has been launched today, last day of 2009.
As per request, it is now also possible to import colors from text-files (e.g. CSS and HTML files). Additionally, you may export your color palettes as clean PNG image files without text-overlays.
A few other new tools are also just about to be released, so stay tuned! :-)

It's been a while since I had the time to do some development on ColorExplorer, but now seeing the summer pass by and autumn knocking on the door, I'm ready to kick some new life into the project.
First off, you will soon experience a design fresh-up as the current navigation layout is pretty locked up making it hard to add new features and keeping them accessible.
The primary GUI elements will remain but most things will be rearranged and pretty much get tightened up. I hope you'' like it :-) Stay tuned!
First off, you will soon experience a design fresh-up as the current navigation layout is pretty locked up making it hard to add new features and keeping them accessible.
The primary GUI elements will remain but most things will be rearranged and pretty much get tightened up. I hope you'' like it :-) Stay tuned!

First of all; Happy New Years to all readers and users of ColorExplorer.com!
Due to some legal "set-backs" I have been forced to now remove both the PANTONE and NCS features. NCS required a paid license, which is just way too expensive at this stage :-(
Due to this set-back in features I chose to postpone the announced update as I am currently working on new "replacement" features. Stay tuned for update soon!
Nonetheless, ColorExplorer is seemingly popular, as some ass-hat over at Rent-A-Coder put out an offer to copy all features of my site. Jeez, wake up and do some creative thinking yourself, stupid!
Due to some legal "set-backs" I have been forced to now remove both the PANTONE and NCS features. NCS required a paid license, which is just way too expensive at this stage :-(
Due to this set-back in features I chose to postpone the announced update as I am currently working on new "replacement" features. Stay tuned for update soon!
Nonetheless, ColorExplorer is seemingly popular, as some ass-hat over at Rent-A-Coder put out an offer to copy all features of my site. Jeez, wake up and do some creative thinking yourself, stupid!